I was born in Urbino, Italy, on July 25, 1964.

I am married with Michela, and on February 13, 2004 we have been gifted with the birth of our daughter Irene. Michela and Irene, you are my life.

My professional career runs more or less as follows:

I have a Physics degree from the University of Bologna. From 1991 to 1998 I worked for the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics in Bologna; I moved to California, USA in 1999 and from 1999 to 2001 I was with the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. In 2001 I came back to Europe and settled in the Netherlands; from 2001 to 2003 I worked for a telecom firm in Amsterdam; since November 2003 I am back in the academic world. From November 2003 till August 2005 I worked for the Dutch National Institute for Nuclear and High-Energy Physics, also in Amsterdam. After almost 7 years spent abroad, I then moved back to Italy, and since September 2005 I am now working again for the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics in Bologna, and specifically for the Italian LCG Tier-1.

In my jobs above, I have mostly played with computer networks, programming languages, and computational grids. Apart from these things, I take great pleasure in reading God's word. I am currently an external student of the University of London Bachelor of Divinity.

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